Facebook226Tweet0 We know about Whovians.. but what about Whooters??? Whovians, as every schoolboy and girl knows, are dyed-in-the-woollen-scarf Dr Who fans. A cult, if you will. Did I spell There’s nothing like a good rock festival to get you out of the house. If only there was a good rock festival to go to. Proper rock festivals are getting thinner on the ground When is “too early” too early? Is "too late" better? I Dunno. I’ve held off on this for a while and now; might be too late. Pop will eat himself So said avant-garde artist/commontater Sandy Bumhole — or some irritating arse like that — and it was very prophetic, especially Leon Skum is an anagram for… It was to be my last long haul. As my Galaxy Buster B-Triple approached the outer reaches of the Sol Watching the Five Ring Circus The Olympic Games is upon us again. They come around fast when you’re busy looking out the window but watching Don’t listen to The Taos Hum — you’ll go crazy! Originating in the small town of Taos, New Mexico, The Taos Hum remains one of the world’s weirdest and enduring Nuts have souls too “Ah, souls!” I heard someone say. And I say yes! When we’re not rave shouting or shoving squealing guitars in Rise up, working person… And receive hurtful love from The Nuts. Oops! That should have been 'Heartfelt'. The Love of the Working Man, Millionaire’s 1 2 3 … 10 Next » Facebook226Tweet0