Prospect Blues, fiddling at Fidel’s, Dirty Work afoot, Steve Brown and other entertainment stuff
Published: August 20, 2018
Shades of Blue with Mick Kidd & Dave Blight
Live at Prospect Town Hall – Friday 7 September!
Doors open at 7.00pm for 7.45pm start. Tix $10 each and includes a complimentary drink (beer, glass of wine or soft drink).
The Prospect Blues & Roots Music Series is proudly presented by Club5082 and Adelaide Blues & Roots Association (ARBA) in partnership with Bside Magazine and Claymore Wines.
For more information call Mark Crabtree (Club5082 Coordinator) on 8342 8041 or visit
Fidel’s Bar – Sunday September 23
The SUMO collective, Weeping Angels, Chica Chica, Fiddle Chicks
September 23, 4-8pm 66 Wattle Ave Royal Park
Steve Brown Band at the Groove Garden
Sunday September 2
Looking further ahead……
Keeping weather eye open for October gigs…. at Fidel’s Bar (Whoopee, we’re all going to Die!, Ian Mitchell and An Acoustic Scandal) ……
and a tribute to the Power of 3 (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Cream) at the Mt Compass Supper Club.
It’s a crime…
There’s a connection between music and writing … because i said so …. and because a local smarty-pants musician, writer, producer, sound dude etc is on the brink of launching his first crime novel.
Brett Sody – of Sodypop studios – has given birth to a quirky crime novel – Dirty Work – and is just waiting for the umbilical cord to the snipped and the little bastard slapped on the arse to start life. Ie: waiting for it to be released onto the “market”.
Dirty Work is a good read, and i should know because I said so. Nah…. it’s because I’ve read the proof copy. But, yes, it is a good read and bubbles with all the quirkiness for which Mr Sody is known in the circles in which he is known. In.
However, in anticipation of a rush on the thing and a wave of journalistic attention he has set up a website with a bio and other shit here:
You can have a look – he’s done some silly photos of hisself on there. Selfies with false teeth.
Bit of bio, bit of story stuff.
And the slug line is: Dirty Work – the debut novel from Australian author Brett Sody!
When entertainment was fun
On these dreary winter days I often retreat to the dungeon and amuse myself by going over my many past lives. I’ve had a few doozies! I started giggling about the time I was Ludwig van Beethoven’s offsider – I was his page-turner. What a pair we made; he was deaf and I was blind.
I recall a concert in Antwerp where we were running late for the performance and Ludwig shouted at me to bring the sheet music for Number 5. Number 5 was a hefty piece and I grabbed the biggest bundle of manuscript I could feel, ran to the stage and dumped it on the piano music stand.
Turns out I’d grabbed a Volkswagen Beetle shop manual by mistake.
Ludwig, however, was a professional and was able to play flyshit on a butcher-shop wall; he immediately launched into the piece with verve and gusto – two of my favourite condiments. He got to the adagio part about fine-tuning the carburettor for a lean mix when all of a sudden Johann Sebastian Bach stormed on stage and started shouting at us.
Blimey, was he a sight to see – not that I saw, of course… I was ‘legally’ blind and drawing a pension so I didn’t see him at all, did I???
Anyway, he looked a fukn sight! He had two broken arms in slings and a busted face and nose. It appears he ran into the doors of Marks undt Spensers at the Boxing Day sales.
“Vell…” he explained, “… harpsichords vere 50% off! It vas a bargain; I panicked – how vas I to know the doors didn’t open until 9am?”
Anyway with his swollen face he started yelling that Ludwig’s playing of the the carburettor section was a mockery. He was a bit hard to understand. Worse for ol’ Ludwig, of course.
“Vot did he say about a rockery?” shouted Beethoven in my face.
“I think he said he could play it better ..” I answered.
“Of course it’s a Weber…. “ shouted Ludwig “Izz German Beetle! You can fit a Solex but not an SU mittoot the right gasket! Vot vood zat dimvit know, eh????”
Johann was getting pretty frustrated with our gibber so he started bouncing up and down on the keyboard with his arse.
“Vot the fok is he doing now???” shouted Ludwid.
“He says he is playing your sonata they way you play it…” I relayed.
“Sinatra…? Zat’s not Sinatra….!!! Sinatra iss: Dis ist My Vay, Ahm Doink it My Vay,,,undt New York is Top of the Shitheap…. Zat’s Sinatra!”
Then we heard a deep threatening rumble……
“What the fokkity fok is zat… ???” yelled Ludwig “… An earthquake???”
“Iffn only it vere…” retorted Johann. “Ven you stopped playing that mug over zere thought it vas time for bass solo!”
“Hans Solo…?” shouted Ludwig.
“It’s notting to do mit Star Vars!” Johann shouted back.
“Whores….hooers…?????” queried Ludwig violently in Johann’s face…. “ It’s you mit the whores and hooers and der floozies…..Not Me! I am a good guy and don’t you effer tell my mummy-moottor udderwise!” And he slapped Joe across the mush.
Joe tried to punch him back with his arms in slings and only managed to throw himself in a spin.
When Ludwig laughed at him he aimed a kick at Luddy and collected the piano stool by mistake. Then they had a right old set-to. My word it was funny; the crowd loved it – entertainment at it’s best! We toured that show till its legs fell off.
You just don’t get entertainment like that these days, do you?