What’s God got to do with it?

Nothing, if past performance is anything to go by!

Track 3 of physical CD Millionaire’s Mix by The Nuts — The Ill-Fated Return —  deals with the long-awaited return of the son of the Christian God (mythical or otherwise) and the tumultuous milieu he will find himself in should he arrive at this time in world history.

Youtube link, the Nuts – The Ill-Fated Return: https://youtu.be/hmkABIXnI_w

We surmise he will be somewhat disappointed at the gross insults to humanity committed in his name over the past couple of thousand years and he may also be dismayed that his so-called Father has turned a blind eye to the many brutal and wicked atrocities committed worldwide in His name. A bit of family shame there.

We’re guessing that a return visit by JC will be short and not too sweet, especially when he finds that the morals and ethics he once preached are now considered ‘snowflake’ attributes, and the ‘happy clappers’ have no intention of returning their ill-gotten funds  to the previous owners.  He will probably suffer derision, even abuse (eg: in parts of the US it is illegal to feed homeless people), and he may about-face and look for the door back to from whence he came. (Play song here; see link above.)

We assume he might even have a word or two to say about his Dad’s  lack of interest in the joint for the last 2000 years, considering the bandied-about assumption that there was supposed to be some kind of mutual respect going on between ‘the creator’ and the ‘created’.

(If you are sceptical about this I have included, below, a link to a short list of some of the atrocities committed in the name of ‘religion’.)

Also, apologies for the shitty video but when dollars are short, improvise we must.

Link: https://www.thetoptens.com/religion/atrocities-committed-name-religion/

Have you played the fukken song yet? Well, get onto it, now! I don’t do this shit for no reason!

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