Pop will eat himself

So said avant-garde artist/commontater Sandy Bumhole — or some irritating arse like that — and it was very prophetic, especially in the case of my old Grandpop Des who found he had to eat his toes to prevent from starving in the old peoples home.

And, in a strangely parallel thingy it translated easily across to the world of pop music where, for the last two decades, pop singers and those laptop apes who call themselves DJs have been consuming music from the 60s, 70s and 80s and shitting it out as something special they’ve ‘created’.

Not that The Nuts are a shining example of total originality when we, too, confess to have consumed a bit of old pop music and turned it into Nuts shit for your consumption. To be fair to The Nuts, we changed it quite a lot: took a bit away, added a bit in, couple of new words and changes here and there, laid it over a groovy Texas shuffle and then actually played it with guitars and drums and added a looney guitar solo.

Here it is… on YouTube: https://youtu.be/NaWhBaov0h0

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