We know about Whovians.. but what about Whooters???

Whovians, as every schoolboy and girl knows, are dyed-in-the-woollen-scarf Dr Who fans. A cult, if you will.

Did I spell that right? Sometimes my ‘Tourettes’ kicks in.

Oh… did I just say that?

Ahhh… fuk it. Cancel me; see if I care.

So… Whovians shmoovians. But what are Whooters?

Well, Whooters are people who have an enduring affection for the famous British band The Who and their iconic music.

I did say “affection”, didn’t I? Because, it can happen that while listening to The Who’s music you can become infected with Rave, and deafness and blindness and flipper-finger (I did not tell you to flip her a finger!). Where was I ? Yes! And become a generation of squeezebox players who have decided to cease being fooled.

Some of these Whooters have dedicated part of their lives to playing Who music. Loud and fukkin excellent. With love and flags and shit… and loudness!

The Whom (pictured above) are a bunch of this kind Whooter … I guess they’re like the trainspotters of the pop music world … and they will be getting off the magic bus at the British Workingmens’ Club (how coincidental is that?) this Saturday, October 19. 

Of course there are important details such as the address, the starting time and booking links, but I couldn’t be bothered typing out all that stuff. That’s for you, dear Whooter, aficionado… to discover for yourself — before Saturday night! A challenge!

Nah. Life’s got too many challenges at the moment. I’ll cut and paste the guff:


The British Workingmens club Inc. aka THE BRIT
11-15, Davis Street, Wingfield SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5013

Saturday 19 October 2024 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM 

The Whom-the Ultimate tribute to the WhoLive in The Marquee Room at The Brit! Saturday October 19 Tickets $30 https://www.trybooking.com/CSJUT.


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