Albert’s first wife

“So, what is there left to tell …” said Mileva Einstein stoically as she reflected on being sidelined and eventually dumped by Albert the Genius, “Some get the pearl, the others — the shell.”

Mileva – dumped by Bertie Brainbox

Mileva was Einstein’s first and long-suffering wife who helped the clever bastard with much of his research and wrote most of his lecture notes only to be cast aside in favour of Bertie-brainbox’s new-found love, his cousin. Oh dear. Albert…how could you?

Well, he did! And a summary of this sad situation — and some other weird bits — was poignantly written and recorded by The Love Mussels for their recent vinyl release, a homage to the life, loves and times of Albert Einstein: “It’s All Relative — Redux”.

It’s All Relative — Redux will be launched to the world by The Love Mussels Saturday, March 13 at Divers-city as part of the 2021 Adelaide Fringe. An hour and a bit of new and exciting indie Pop/Rock, well-played and well-presented.

Well, it may be a little unusual in these safe and comfy latter days of the Fringe to have a band present original material when there is a marked preference for ‘travelling down the old tribute time-tunnel along comfortable and well-worn commercial music pathways’. It’s risky. The Love Mussels, in a concession to this obsession, will include in their show a few covers of music from albums produced earlier in their two-plus-decades career — thus presenting an original and ‘cover’ show in one package. And for those who don’t like listening to music at all there will be short portions of silence disturbed occasionally by gibber in between the songs. Something for everyone.

In true cabaret fashion, show tickets can be purchased for show only, or for dinner and show. If you’re not going to be hungry on the night you can help stop the bar from floating up to the ceiling by leaning on it and getting sloshed while enjoying the Mussels’ presentation.

You go here:…/the-love-mussels-it-s… to get information and buy tickets.

And go here: to learn more about The Love Mussels.

We’d love to see you at Divers-city on Saturday, March 13 for an evening of fine music with meaning and rock. Whether you are hungry or not.

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