The Nuts — Sap’s Rising at Macclesfield

Yes. It’s Spring and the sap is rising, especially in The Nuts headquarters.

Friday September 30 will see The Nuts return to the iconic music venue — and I really mean iconic; one of the few places where you can go to hear good original music played in sympathetic and absolutely groovy surroundings with great food and very good beer (including local brews) — the Three Brothers Arms, Macclesfield.

New material will be included in The Nuts’ set lists to add a little extra sparkle to their already scintillating repertoire of weird and wonderful, loud and soft, shouty and no words-at-all songs.

And it’s all about the songs as far as The Nuts are concerned. They are not hung up on genres… you know what I mean: ‘Blues, folk, country, ambulance’ … I mean ‘ambient,’ They write and play ‘songs’, and they light ‘em up and set them loose like a Catherine wheel on firecracker night (if we had firecracker night and if Catherin still had her wheels after that ‘unfortunate incident’). 

And there is never a dull moment when The NUTS are in action. Rhodesey, Algra, Surmon and Sody rip it up with great new music and good old fun.

Book tickets through trybooking — yes, we’re still doing that tickety-booking business — with this easy code:

… or this almost endless link …

iframe src=”″ width=”600px” height=”300px” frameborder=”0″></iframe> 

Or use this microbe maze (on the poster below). You waggle your phone over it and it sucks you into a vortex that pulls money out of your very bank accounts and gives it to the internet and then, some time later, after it’s fed and full, it gives what’s left of it of it to The Nuts.

PS: Don’t stare at the microbe maze for too long; it’s a magic doohickey for an alien porthole and will start to link up with your pineal gland vibes and feed your brain waves and mental memory information across the universe to the Alpha Romeo cluster or the Andromodome galaxy where they harvest our dullest brain waves and idle thoughts and turn them into Netflix films. So I was told. Yesterday. Or maybe it was the day before, but the bloke down at the pub made it sound credible enough.

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