REVISTA – Ten Strange Tales

By Brett Sody

What’s not to admire about an exiled alien who establishes an exemplary work ethic on its prison planet and sets itself manageable KPIs…? And who could not applaud the denizens of a tropical cane farm who let no setback or obstacle, neither tragic nor debilitating, deter them from a passionate career of revenge? Toss in a time-travelling perfectionist musician, some very high-class Private Investigators who do not like getting their nails chipped, a very busy clean-up crew in the wake of COVID-23… (Yes! You thought 19 was nasty) with some other mind-benders and you have Revisita – Ten Strange Tales, the latest outpouring from Brett Sody following his slightly-warped Dirty Work Trilogy.

In Revista, Sody has offered ten off-beat (quirky, bent, “out-there”) short stories to amuse readers across the summer months – and beyond, if said reader is not pressed for time through summer.  Included in the list of yarns is a return of some characters from the Dirty Work Trilogy: Detective Pete Young who is still pounding the beat, and Connie of Connie’s Bitchin’ Kitchen fame who has a run-in with a spirited international wine-maker.  Slipped into the mix is a treatise concerning a bit of a moral issue of whether an author in a successful publishing partnership should snuff out the partner with the smug, self-satisfied attitude who refuses to undertake a new writing project.

As in his previous works, Sody’s characters are a bit off-centre, the stories are multi-dimensional, the writing is brisk, funny and punny, and the humour is sometimes a bit black. But funny.

Revisita – Ten Strange Tales is available through Book Baby or from the author’s website through this link.

Revista – Ten Strange Tales makes a thoughtful gift for a slightly twisted pal.

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