Millionaire’s Mix Tidbits

Indie music darlings/luvvies The Nuts have released their first album — Millionaire’s Mix  —  to critical acclaim… and some of it is downright nasty!

Nah! Only joking. Folk are loving it. So, we have decided to explain some of the tunes we have included on the anthology. The creation of the Millionaire’s Mix thing spans a number of years and the music does seem a bit diverse in style and content. That was intentional;  The Nuts choose not to travel along a ‘genre’ path but to write and play songs according to their whim. And The Nuts have a large collective whim which they take out and exercise on odd occasions.

So… song number one:  ‘When We Start Making Money’. This tune is drawn from a story/book currently available on Amazon Kindle: ‘A Tale from the Tin Igloo’.  That story is about a family from the UK who were part of the postwar ‘British invasion’ into Australia during the mid to late 60s —  some of the 2 million or so who bought with them hopes and aspirations for a better life in ‘the lucky country’. The youth of that wave of migrants bought with them the pop music culture that was then mushrooming in Britain and Europe which manifested into the creation of new and exciting pop, R&B and Beat bands around Australia. (A bit of reading up on Australian Pop Music history will elaborate extensively on that.)

‘When We Start Making Money’ relates to a time in the lives of a couple of lads from Newcastle who, with their family, were interred at The Pennington Migrant Hostel, where they met and collaborated with other migrants and locals to form a band, write songs and head for ‘the big time’. 

‘When We Start Making Money’ becomes the boys’ mantra as they struggle with the frustrating realities of living in a hostel, trying to get work and become properly housed while playing music in an R’n’B band – all in a new country. 

Here is a bit of that song:   

When We Start Making Money

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