
“Ah, souls!” I heard someone say.  And I say yes! When we’re not rave shouting or shoving squealing guitars in
And receive hurtful love from The Nuts. Oops! That should have been 'Heartfelt'. The Love of the Working Man, Millionaire’s
Tell me quantum, quantum, quantum. That’s the new flavour in tv themes: quantum shit. Dark Matter, The Multiverse, Quantumania and
Nothing, if past performance is anything to go by! Track 3 of physical CD Millionaire’s Mix by The Nuts —
In certain pockets of this glorious multilingual world 'rant and rave' is sort of homophonic with ‘Dad and Dave’ which
Indie music darlings/luvvies The Nuts have released their first album — Millionaire's Mix  —  to critical acclaim… and some of
Of course not — that would be crool! But you could photobomb the Surfers of the Cosmic Sea as they
Sometime that’s all you need to have a good time. And a good time will be had for sure this
Not necessarily an existential question, more rhetoric. This Friday, April 19, The Nuts — what you might call a South